News & Media

News & Media

Web Collection integration

Web Collection integration

As you know, at Armoires Cuisines Action, we're constantly listening to your needs and striving to improve our services to offer you the best possible experience. With this in mind, we have decided to harmonize our customer experience by integrating

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Armoires Cuisines Action and Cuisines Beauregard join their forces

Armoires Cuisines Action and Cuisines Beauregard join their forces
Armoires Cuisines Action and Cuisines Beauregard announce their unification to form the largest kitchen manufacturer-retailer in Quebec.
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Culinary aromatherapy: unveiling our new collection

Culinary aromatherapy: unveiling our new collection
Armoires Cuisines Action et SOJA&CO. unissent leurs forces pour vous présenter une collection exceptionnelle de produits d'ambiance pour la cuisine, mettant en valeur l'excellence québécoise.
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Signée Québec – Cuisine ■ Salle de bain

Signée Québec – Cuisine ■ Salle de bain
The Signée Québec - Cuisine ■ Salle de bain signature kickoff has been launched and Armoires Cuisines Action is proud to be part of it!
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Armoires Cuisines Action believes in the importance of human capital

Armoires Cuisines Action believes in the importance of human capital
Malgré l’automatisation de ses procédés de fabrication, Armoires Cuisines Action mise plus que jamais sur le savoir-faire des membres de son personnel.
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The little storage empire of Armoires Cuisines Action

The little storage empire of Armoires Cuisines Action
While it designs nearly 8,000 kitchen projects per year, employs 260 people and has sales of close to $50 million, Armoires Cuisines Action is now at the head of a small regional empire. Despite the many challenges that threaten the company, labor shortage in mind, the SME does not intend to cut short the meteoric expansion it is experiencing.
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